Amauri Lisboa

Software developer student

Software developer student, also with some experience with web development, looking for an experience in the area.
Passionate about crafting modern, intuitive websites and eager to learn more and collaborate with a creative team.
Currently studying software development at 42 Porto.

Discover more about me and my projects :


Most Used Programming Languages & Tools
  • c-icon
  • js-icon
  • react-icon
  • php-icon
  • laravel-icon
  • wordpress-icon
  • html-icon
  • css-icon
  • Responsive Design
  • Cross Browser Testing
  • Agile Development & Resilient


42 Porto

Software Development Student - Porto, Portugal.
  • Hands-on project-based learning
  • Cultivation of both soft and technical skills
  • Collaborative peer-to-peer learning
Oct 2023 - Currently

Fullstack Developer Bootcamp

FullStack BootCamp by Cap4lab - Belval, Luxembourg.
  • Intensive web development bootcamp
  • Acquired comprehensive training
  • Acquired skills in both front-end and back-end development
Jan 2023 - Jul 2023

Associate's Degree of Multimidia production

Centro Universitário Senac - São Paulo, Brasil.
  • Interactive & Audiovisual Media.
  • Web technologies .
  • Visual Content Creation.
Jan 2014 - Jul 2015


Critical thinking

capacity to analyze and evaluate information, draw logical conclusions, and solve complex problems. This skill enables individuals to make sound decisions, generate innovative ideas, and improve overall problem-solving abilities, which can lead to greater success in both personal and professional endeavors.

Emotional intelligence

ability to understand and manage one's emotions and those of others. This skill promotes effective communication, builds relationships, and enhances leadership capabilities. Individuals with high emotional intelligence are often more empathetic, adaptable, and better equipped to handle conflicts or difficult situations.


capacity to think outside the box, generate new ideas, and approach problems in unconventional ways. This skill encourages innovation, fosters a culture of continuous improvement, and enhances overall productivity. Individuals who exhibit creativity are often more resourceful, adaptable, and better equipped to navigate complex challenges in the ever-changing world.

More about me

Hello there!

My name is Amauri Lisboa and I am looking for a career change and trying to find a first opportunity in the area of web development

Based in Portugal since October 2023, I really eager to learn more and more everyday. Since I am here, I learned French and I had the opportunity to get out of my safe zone and grow as a person. I am a very responsable person who loves to be uncomfortable and I am trying to be better and better everyday.

I think that my greatest virtude is to be resilient and to have learned how to take care of myself using the tools that I have in the moment to help me. My worst weakness is to be shy. But, i'm working on in! Besides web development, I have another passions. I love art in general - photography, painting, music, cinema - and I love to be in the nature and travel.

Let me learn, and I'll show you what I'm capable of. Thanks

Awards & Certifications